Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I have been so slack!!

and so busy!!!!

I dont think i have managed to sit still for more than 5 minutes in the last couple of weeks!!!
We were frantically preparing for Christmas and making sure we were ready to go away camping! Have no idea how we managed to get through everything but we have come out the other end of it and had a fantastic time as always!!

I will get to Christmas day and camping later but an update on the last couple of weeks first ....

Amelia is continuing to be the happiest little girl i have ever known ... i aspire to have even half of her happiness!!!! She is always ready with a smile for everyone and loves snuggling up close to those she knows and loves.
Crawling isn't fast enough for her so she "run crawls" ... i have never seen little knees moving so fast: whether it is to chase the puppy around the house trying to pull his tail, or trying to get into whatever Harry is playing with! Harry loves attaching her toys to the back of his bike and making her chase him around the house! They love it and will laugh for hours playing that game.
She continues to eat everything in sight and loves trying new foods! She has for a while now eaten everything that we do which makes mealtimes alot easier in this house! She particularly likes foods that she can feed herself and HJ is always ready to pick up the scraps off the floor!!

Her routine at the moment:
7:00 - 7:30: Wake Up and get dressed
7:30ish: breakfast 2 weetbix and then some fruit
8:45ish: bottle
9:00ish: bed
11:30ish: wake up morning tea
out to the shops/park/play
12:30ish: lunch usually ham, chicken, fish and fruit, toast
play etc
2:30ish: bottle and bed
5:00-5:30ish wake up and arvo tea
6:00ish: dinner with us so this can be anywhere between 6 and 7ish and is whatever we are having and veges
bath or shower
7:30ish bottle and bed

Harry is continuing to be a great big brother.. we thought that once Amelia started getting into his things that everything would change but he is great!! He will just go up and "rouse" on her if she has something of his .. generally saying "Missy Moo that is one of my precious things...." and he will put it up out of her reach and go about his way!!
He has shot right up in the last couple of months and seems very tall! He is getting more confident about lots of things and is very proud that he knows the majority of his alphabet letters by sight and can tell you something they begin with ... he is also practicing writing letters.
He is loving having Daddy home on 3wks holidays and i dont know how he will cope when he has to go back to work!!

That should get us up to date and i will be back to post all the christmas excitement soon!

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