Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I have been so slack!!

and so busy!!!!

I dont think i have managed to sit still for more than 5 minutes in the last couple of weeks!!!
We were frantically preparing for Christmas and making sure we were ready to go away camping! Have no idea how we managed to get through everything but we have come out the other end of it and had a fantastic time as always!!

I will get to Christmas day and camping later but an update on the last couple of weeks first ....

Amelia is continuing to be the happiest little girl i have ever known ... i aspire to have even half of her happiness!!!! She is always ready with a smile for everyone and loves snuggling up close to those she knows and loves.
Crawling isn't fast enough for her so she "run crawls" ... i have never seen little knees moving so fast: whether it is to chase the puppy around the house trying to pull his tail, or trying to get into whatever Harry is playing with! Harry loves attaching her toys to the back of his bike and making her chase him around the house! They love it and will laugh for hours playing that game.
She continues to eat everything in sight and loves trying new foods! She has for a while now eaten everything that we do which makes mealtimes alot easier in this house! She particularly likes foods that she can feed herself and HJ is always ready to pick up the scraps off the floor!!

Her routine at the moment:
7:00 - 7:30: Wake Up and get dressed
7:30ish: breakfast 2 weetbix and then some fruit
8:45ish: bottle
9:00ish: bed
11:30ish: wake up morning tea
out to the shops/park/play
12:30ish: lunch usually ham, chicken, fish and fruit, toast
play etc
2:30ish: bottle and bed
5:00-5:30ish wake up and arvo tea
6:00ish: dinner with us so this can be anywhere between 6 and 7ish and is whatever we are having and veges
bath or shower
7:30ish bottle and bed

Harry is continuing to be a great big brother.. we thought that once Amelia started getting into his things that everything would change but he is great!! He will just go up and "rouse" on her if she has something of his .. generally saying "Missy Moo that is one of my precious things...." and he will put it up out of her reach and go about his way!!
He has shot right up in the last couple of months and seems very tall! He is getting more confident about lots of things and is very proud that he knows the majority of his alphabet letters by sight and can tell you something they begin with ... he is also practicing writing letters.
He is loving having Daddy home on 3wks holidays and i dont know how he will cope when he has to go back to work!!

That should get us up to date and i will be back to post all the christmas excitement soon!

Friday, December 12, 2008

A picnic with the kids

Tuesday morning got off to a bad start... Harry was tired and cranky and i had a very broken toe that was ridiculously sore and it was 400 degrees already so i was cranky too!! So after a few tears between the two of us Harry went into his room and read books quietly for nearly two hours ... he already knows to just walk away when Mummy is cranky!!!

Amelia was oblivious to the drama and was enjoying being able to get up to mischief without Harry and I watching her every move. After she went down for a morning sleep Harry came and gave me a big cuddle and kiss and told me he loved me and that he really wanted to do something fun today!

He chose to go down to Sandgate to have fish and chips and then a play in the park and he wanted to bring HJ (the dog). Great idea because we really needed to get out of the house but it was an extremely hot day.... so we lathered on the suncream, got our hats and water bottles and braved the heat!!

We had a great picnic lunch.. Amelia ate a whole piece of fish and didn't leave much for anyone else to eat but she was happy!!! Harry took HJ on a big walk along the water and then Amelia, HJ and i sat down under a big tree while Harry played in the park.

Then it was home for us all to have a sunny sleep in the comfort of the airconditioned house!
Thank goodness a bad day turned quickly into a great day!

Monday, December 8, 2008

December so far .....

Our cheeky little crawler ... already up to no good!!

The girls playing with Amelia's hair .... more than enough hair to get a christmas clip in!! (No matter what the lady at the shop thought!!!)

Our Christmas Tree .... Harry very proud of his work so far!

Concentrating very hard .. decorating Ma's tree

Aunty JoJo and Harry busy decorating!

Life has been chaotic in our house for the last week .... lots of play dates, christmas shopping, lunches with the girls and christmas parties!!
Harry spent a busy weekend putting up christmas trees at Ma's as well as at Aunty JoJo and Uncle Wade's house before putting ours up on the 1st December!! Definitely an expert at decorating christmas trees and remembers where he has put ALL the decorations so there is no re-arranging!!!!
We also have the christmas lights up on the house again this year and it is a big event turning them on every night!

One big development in our life has been Amelia crawling!!! She has been trying to crawl for the last month or so .. up on all fours rocking and trying to get everything co-ordinated at once but would then realise it was much easier to put her tummy back down and either roll or wriggle herself to where she needed to be!!!

And then one day it just all fell into place and the little princess we once knew has become a cheeky little monkey!! She is into everything and anything and even though we had moved everything out of her reach months ago she still manages to get into something she shouldnt be into!!

Harry has put all of his "precious" things either out of her reach or safely behind closed doors in his bedroom but then informed me he was going to teach her to paint this week ....... In his dreams!!!

We also attempted to get a Santa photo yesterday .... when the first attempt failed due to some clerical error we decided to try again after lunch .... Amelia had a great time pulling Santa's beard and eating his bell (while Santa got more and more annoyed and told us he hoped she wasn't a screamer because he had had crying kids all day!!) and the longer the photographer took the more annoyed Harry was getting so that by the time it was photo time the kids were passed it! Managed to get one photo with the kids both looking but it certainly wont be used as a christmas present so we are going to try one more time this weekend ....

So life at our house continues to be alot of fun and always chaotic but we love this time of year and we are looking forward to a great christmas with the kids as well as our family and friends!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Out to lunch with Amelia .....

As a treat my mum, sister, Amelia and i decided to go out to lunch one Friday in Joey's lunch break to Sizzler - it's a nice easy option with the greatest potato skins with bolognese sauce and cheese toast!!

Amelia is my good eater and will eat whatever is put in front of her and i knew from when we took Harry to Sizzler for his birthday that Amelia loves buffets!! You could almost see her eyes light up at the thought of all that food!!!

The worst part about Sizzler is that the highchairs dont have trays on them so after a quick wipe of the table we put some food their for Amelia to try. At first she was doing the "right" thing and picking the food up with her hands and eating it ..... then she decided that this obviously wasn't the fastest method of getting the food to her mouth so she decided to put her head down and eat the food straight off the table with her mouth .... just like a vacuum cleaner!!
My goodness me ..... here was a little girl in a beautiful dress sucking food off a table .... funniest thing we had ever seen!!

All in all it was a great lunch with the girls and i only wish we could do it more often!