Tuesday, November 18, 2008

We have a blog!!!

Well i have finally taken the plunge and have started a blog and have spent the better part of the morning doing this instead of all the things that probably need to be done around here!!

To give you some background on our family .....

I am a stay at home mum and have been for the better part of 4 years now. My husband Travis, who i have been married to for 3 years tomorrow, and I are lucky enough to have two wonderful, healthy children: Harry who has just turned 4 and Amelia who was born in March this year.
They are great kids and i love being able to spend these early years at home with them.
So far they love each other very much and they have a bond which amazes me daily!
We also have a puppy HJ who is a grumpy old man and puts up with everything that the kids throw at him!! (No wonder he is so grumpy!!)

I will try and update this space regularly and i hope you enjoy reading about our family and what happens in our lives!!

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